
Hello all my followers and readers. I do apologize for the long hiatus in my publishing of stories, but Ive been rather focused on achieving something else. My first novel is now officially published and available for preorder. Everyones support would be so appreciated!  
          	You can purchase it here:
          	And check out the publishing company and my author page here:
          	Thank you! Hope you all are well!


Hello all my followers and readers. I do apologize for the long hiatus in my publishing of stories, but Ive been rather focused on achieving something else. My first novel is now officially published and available for preorder. Everyones support would be so appreciated!  
          You can purchase it here:
          And check out the publishing company and my author page here:

          Thank you! Hope you all are well!


I saw you posted that you were back and *flips a table in excitement* omg hello!!! I recently revived my Wattpad presence as well. Hope to see some more stuff from you soon. It's been a long time friend! :D


@sociopath-avenger All good, I understand! I need to start getting into GOT. Kind of behind on that haha. Well the struggles of adult life kept me from writing for a long-ass time but now I'm back for the summer. Still neck-deep in my fandoms as ever. Overall I'm doing pretty swell. How about you?


@sociopath-avenger YO bra!!! Whaddup! How you been? Tell me everything. It's been such a long time. Sorry my response took forever to get here. I've been burying myself in Game of Thrones. It's honestly not healthy, haha.


Hey everyone! I'm back with a couple new fan fics and I'm working on some of my originals. Adding chapters and all. If you'd like give me a holler and I'll do a specific one for you. But while you're waiting, it'd be wonderful if you checked out my newest piece "Trust". I'm a gruesome twosome fan (Petyr and Sansa) from GOT so I had to commemorate them with this. Should be a fun manipulative story. So write on and rock on kids.


I really can not describe to you how good "A Struggle In Red" by Chapstickisdabomb is. You're just going to have to read it. However I can tell you that she is one of the only fan fic writers I know that actually strives for realism at all. Her charecters are believable, relatable, and multi-layered. Something you dont simply find that often. To not read this book is to deny yourself an oppertunity to witness a talented young writer develope into a fantastic writer by developing a work of art. Thus you are defeating the point of being on wattpad. I hope you take a glance at her wonderful story. Although if you're younger... you might want to avoid certain chapters. Along with real charecters, comes real problems and innapropriate scenes. Thank You, Happy Reads


Hi! A little while back, you made a cover for my book 'Dead Days,' and I was wondering if you would possibly be able to make a slight change to it? I'll repay you and everything! I just wanted the cover to say my real name, 'MaKenna Waszgis' as the author instead of my username. Please, please do this for me? Please?


Oops. I lied.I dont have the original picture that I used for the cover anymore. Therefore I cant edit it and re-make hte cover. I am so sorry. My deepest apologies.


Yeah sure... one minute.


Hello all! I am back! I will be updating on a much more regular basis from now on. I am working an update for "Cliche" and thinking of a couple of new stories that I probably shouldnt start until I finish others but whatever. But definatley moer updates of Absense and the 8th Wonder as well. If there is anything in particular you wanted tell me and I'll do that. I have recently made more time for this. Because Im not doing very much performing any more. Beyond that I'll talk to you all very soon :) Enjoy the rest of your week :)