
I may actually come on here to write for once, I know I haven't done any of ever. I might just make an entire new account for it, I'm not sure. I write a lot in my spare time, mostly just about OC's and such, it's quite fun to do in my honest opinion. If any of you are interested, just let me know? I know most people who follow me don't even come on here anymore but it's still worth a shot, lol.


I may actually come on here to write for once, I know I haven't done any of ever. I might just make an entire new account for it, I'm not sure. I write a lot in my spare time, mostly just about OC's and such, it's quite fun to do in my honest opinion. If any of you are interested, just let me know? I know most people who follow me don't even come on here anymore but it's still worth a shot, lol.


OH GRAVEY A TRIPLE!! what I say whenever I get a triple in overwatch. Yes my B-Net is now Gravey. G6, alsooooooooooooooooo HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY NO ONE'S GONNA SEE THIS AHAHAHAHAHH AHAHAHAHAHH FML. I'm so lonely. ;-;


what's up homeslice c:


@shota-sho-sho Nothing much bud. c;


I might juSt delete all my stories and only read stories and message people on here. Or i'll keep them up and end them with a "Sorry but I need to jet, overwatch needs me winston has already ordered me over to Illios." If you don't play overwatch you won't understand. XD