
This story is an adaptation of a separate story I've been writing for a long time. It is inspired by several other wonderful fan-works.


ok so idk if anyone still checks this page anymore but i was Stupid and accidentally deactivated the email used for this account, so now I have no way of logging back in. Which sucks because this was my main username for like a bunch of my platforms. Anyway, this is still me! But with a new account under an email I will not be deactivating. Whether or not I’m going to be keeping up with posting my stuff is… undetermined lmfao but i’ll try my best! Anyway follow me here for updates and stuff :)) also if you’re reading this at all, thank you for staying lol


haha remember when I said I would be back with new content and then didn't come back with anything? I'm back with something! I'll just be posting a little sneak peek but there will DEFINITELY be more chapters to come!! Hope y'all like tooth-rotting fluff ;)


this message may be offensive
Holy moly I'm back??? damn it's been like 3 years
          Anyway I decided to revisit my profile and noticed how popular my Only story got while I was away and also realized I missed being in the Wattpad spotlight and also also I've gotten some New Ass Ideas for some stories so uhhhhhhh stay tuned for some new shit if yall are still alive 


I'm a junior in high school yeet skeet
            but if you need any advice for freshman year I'd be happy to give help !!


Pray for me 


You in college of High School cause I’m a freshman in High School 