
Whoo! It’s been a while huh?
          	So I’m not about to add yet another authors not ti teachers pack and I’m also writing this on my phone at like 12:40 am after a rather hard panic attack/mental breakdown (if anyone is curious I am happy to explain everything that is happening but I can also assure that it will be being dealt with soon)
          	Teachers pack will be changing a bit, but dramatically
          	We do have a oneshot all typed up and written out but we still need to transfer it to a format that’s A) readable and B) good writing so just a little longer!
          	That oneshot will be much like the others, but the one we are working on after (currently in writing) will be focusing on the a/b/o parts of this AU
          	We haven’t exactly outlined who is what subgender so I will post another announcement as soon as we figure this out.
          	I hope you all are happy, healthy, and are loving your best lives out in the world.
          	Never change who you are for somebody else.
          	I love and appreciate you all, have a great day/night
          	Best regards, Bex 


Whoo! It’s been a while huh?
          So I’m not about to add yet another authors not ti teachers pack and I’m also writing this on my phone at like 12:40 am after a rather hard panic attack/mental breakdown (if anyone is curious I am happy to explain everything that is happening but I can also assure that it will be being dealt with soon)
          Teachers pack will be changing a bit, but dramatically
          We do have a oneshot all typed up and written out but we still need to transfer it to a format that’s A) readable and B) good writing so just a little longer!
          That oneshot will be much like the others, but the one we are working on after (currently in writing) will be focusing on the a/b/o parts of this AU
          We haven’t exactly outlined who is what subgender so I will post another announcement as soon as we figure this out.
          I hope you all are happy, healthy, and are loving your best lives out in the world.
          Never change who you are for somebody else.
          I love and appreciate you all, have a great day/night
          Best regards, Bex 


Dear readers of Teachers Pack,
          Okay, so first of all we honestly forgot about this for a while but chapter 6 is written and we just need to post it.
          However, before we do that there's something that needs to be asked.
          We've been thinking and talking about earlier chapters, the storyline, and later chapters of this when we realized something. The story moved on too quickly.
          Truthfully, we don't plan out chapters ahead of writing them so it's mostly improv for 90% of the writing.
          But at this point the chapters are random oneshots that just happen and I honestly don't know how people are still interested but thank you for sticking with us.
          Because of your support, we will be leaving it up to you guys on whether or not we restart.
          Note that if we do restart, the plot and storyline will be exactly the same. Some chapters (like meeting and mom/brothers) will stay the same, but might be drawn out or be put in later chapters.
          Again, I thank you for all the support we've received with this. I honestly didn't think we'd get here, so thank you.
          Also, because I'm that person, I started a personal story that I've been debating on posting.
          I do warn that it is very, very dark and might deal with some tough topics (abuse, death, etc.)
          With that story it reflects on some of my inner thoughts and fears, but does not tie to my personal in ways of living in a harmful environment.
          So comment (or private message me) on whether or not you want a restart and if you want me to post chapter one of that personal story.
          I love you all and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day/night
          With best regards,


New story up: Cold, Dark, and Dead.
          This is not fanfiction, just a collection of creepy stories about women recalling their deaths from beyond the grave.
          Check it out, but there might be some triggers. If you find any, please notify me so I can put a warning in
          Love you guys, ~X~ 


Will you guys continue BTS×Super Naturals


You’ll have to ask @Starrynight_Hobi about that one, it’s not mine and idk what we would do. Sorry @Jin_Joon_Lover !


Hi yalls.
          So first, I want to thank you all for the support on The Teacher’s Pack. I honestly didn’t think it’d get as much attention as it has been so thank you all so much for supporting me and @Starrynight_Hobi
          On that topic, we have decided to create a shared account. Me and @Starrynight_Hobi
          Basically it’ll hold all the things we’ve worked on together. The Teachers Pack might be reposted there but I’m not sure.
          Anyways, the @ is @Fun-sized_Hobi if you would check it out.
          I once again thank you all for the support we have received. It means a lot.
          I hope all of you have a great day/night!
          Love you all!


I am a year older now.
          Hope yalls have a good day/night! 




@Funsizedandclingy Dude, no way! Your birthday is two days before mine!


I’m ✨lonely✨


@Funsizedandclingy im literally always talking to u on discord wym :/


@Funsizedandclingy watch a horror movie.....u will certainly not feel lonely then 