Who wants some quality time with DADDY?

" The ocean is soup. " - Senpai, 2025

https://wdwnt.com/2025/03/anika-noni-rose-disappointed-by-tiana-series-cancellation-hopes-fans-tune-in-to-princess-and-the-frog-special/ So am I Anika. So am I. Like I had plans to make it a sequel fic. I could tell you what it was gonna be...or I might make a one-shot fic...or book. Like after ever after? Idk yet I only have an rough idea for Tiana and Belle.

@FutureDiaryAyano I was so sad when they canceled it. I really wanted more of Tiana T^T

Most Fics: takes me a literal YEAR to finish Coraline Fic: finished in six days Why can't it be like that with all my books T-T

@FutureDiaryAyano Right! I'm still debating if I wanna finish writing my mha bakugo book or my Wyatt x reader zombies book. I started writing those about 3 years ago at least almost 4

I guess that’s what happens when you’re invested. I take a month to write each of my books but for Male Glinda I took like 3 weeks because I was invested af

random would it be better to work for freiza or cooler

Guys actual serious question how do I ain't like Glinda like hitting that lady note in No One Mourns the Wicked and everything I can barely even do "She died alone" I can go fairly high and have been compared to Snow White if you need to know where I am right now

So how would y'all feel about an eventually Male! Beldam x Reader? Because I see there's a few of those and they could be interesting.

@ FutureDiaryAyano Had to Google who Beldam is, and OMG, yes, please do that

You ok

So @/NaomiRitmeester decided it was cool to put one of my books in a list literally "Did not enjoy". It's fine if you didn't enjoy it, but do NOT be doing that to ANYONE. I called her out on it and she never responded, even though I know she's been active because she later put my Male! Coraline into a not completed list. Is it overdramatic to block her? Maybe. But she won't care, considering she didn't enjoy my stuff in the first place, right? Again, I DON'T CARE THAT SHE DIDN'T LIKE IT I HONESTLY DON'T. But don't be putting me down in front of everyone all passive-aggressively like that.

@KristyB2025 You know what's crazy is that you can private your reading lists.

@FutureDiaryAyano I don’t blame you and I absolutely agree with you. People do that to my books too. As long as it’s not hurting anyone or rude and offensive, why do they make a list of books they don’t like? Isn’t the point of making a reading list is for books you actually like. They could’ve just ignored your stories but they had to go the extra mile to put you down in public for everyone to see. It’s completely fine if people don’t like our stories, but that’s just unnecessary and petty.