
Lol hi I've been dead and my followers aren't gonna care but I'm back with more trash to write ;)))))


Hey Fuzzy ! Thanks for the feedback on my Far Cry 2040.. I just wrote another short story, titles 'Auden'. Its a story that is the opposite version of the Disney's movie, FROZEN with a lot of differences, please do check it out, thanks and belated Christmas wishes... the story is obviously in my account...


@Emmas_Italian823 Well, my apprentice. Until I receive word from the royal messenger that you have definitely read my royal scrolls, then I shall NOT read the Scroll of Memories, or of murder. Thou shall not pass. 
          I have spoken. 
          ~You know who, or it shall remain a creepy mystery that messes with your mind until you snap like a twig. I'll be there when you snap. I'm watching you~