
@imperfectrejects oh yes, I can see it clearly. I'm impressed. The Nyan Cat is the knight in shining armour, well as shining as a young rainbow poptart cat thing can be. But it would totally be the hero and worth the money.


Hey replying to your message: first of sorry for the late reply. I am at my grandparents' place and the internet decided to shut off lastnight till this afternoon sighs. Anyways look I have not been to either of them but I will look it up and see if I can swing by there. And yes I speak German also I was born there in Munich :)


Cool :) at the moment I am visiting family next to Frankfurt. I am also going to Austria with my father who I am visiting as well and we are going to Austria to visit a poet there


 @KatieHartx wow that sounds great. what do you think about the Sea of Konstanz (Bodensee)? have you ever seen the Theater in Bregenz (Festspielhaus) with the stage in the lake (Seebühne)? it's just beautiful and majestic.  can you speak German?


@kludi98 Hmmm... Touché. Tom's ass is too beautiful to be whooped. Perhaps we should use a stunt double for the ass whooping parts. And Byan cat would be comic relief! Imagine: it's a dark, grueling battle to the death. Thor is laying on the floor, drenched in blood, struggling to stay awake. The audience is on the edge of their seats, biting their finger nails in anticipation? Will Thor get up? Will he defeat the slayer and save Asgard?
          Suddenly, a light music is heard, and what appears to be a rainbow is seen in the distance. As the object gets closer, the music gets louder. You can recognize it! It's.... It's... It's... The Nyan cat song? 
          Sure enough, that poptart covered cat jets on screen. He popkicks the splatter the the left. He tart punches him to the right. He cat knees him in the groin, and tops it all off with rainbow smash, sending the slater off in a exit worthy of team rocket. 
          "Thou has my deepest gratitude, young rainbow poptart cat thing," says Thor as he stands up. 
          "Nyan Nyan." Says the cat. 
          Curtains close.