
Chapter 12 of Expect the Unexpected is out now, so pls go enjoy!


Hey, guys!
          I FINALLY finished Chapter 4 Part 2 so please, go enjoy! I apologize sincerely for there not being any artwork except the cover but please know that I was(and still am) SUPER busy with school and homework so please be patient with me while I try to each of my deadlines. 
          Merci beaucoup for the support and for checking out my fanfic. I really appreciate it. Stay safe, guys!


Okay, so bc of how far behind I am in regards to publishing Chapter 4 part 2, I want to get your guys' opinion. I'm gonna have you guys basically vote and whichever side has the most votes, I will do that one. 
          Your choices are:
          1. Wait until the end of September/early October for me to publish part 2 and most likely end up with a shorter chapter and less artwork
          2. Have me publish what I have now with JUST the cover and no artwork
          Answer 1 or 2 and I'll see which one has the most by the end of tomorrow.


Hey, everyone!
          So, first off, I want to say that I am SO sorry for not posting Chapter 4 part 2 last week, on the last day of August. I had a bunch of homework to do that week and wasn't able to even update it. I'm really sorry for the delay but part 2 of chapter 4 should be out in roughly a week or 2, toward the end of September. If it's still not out by then, I will probably end up publishing what I have so far so you guys will have some more of the story to read while I figure out the rest of chapter 4.  As for the artwork and cover, they'll hopefully be out around the same time as part of chapter 4 but if not, I'll either spend another late night to get it completely done or use a different picture for the cover and hold off on the artwork for that chapter.
          Again, I am so sorry for the delay and hope to get out as much as I can next week or the week after so you guys can keep reading. Tysm for being patient with me while I'm trying to sort things out for you guys so you have more of the story to read.


Hey guys! Hope you're all enjoying my story!
          So as of next week, on Wednesday, I will be starting school so I'll have less time to update my story. I will still try to get the new part out by the end of the month, but if it's a day or 2 late, pls be patient with me and know I am trying my best to get it out when it's supposed to. As for the cover and artwork, they'll probably be a couple of days late bc they take more time and effort than the story(at least from my standpoint bc writing comes naturally to me, and drawing takes a lot more time and effort for me personally) so please be patient with me until I'm able to get those out. It might take a while but please know I am trying my best to get both the story and the artwork out as soon as I can.


Hey everyone!
          I just wanted to let you guys know that Chapter 4 2/3 might be out mid-September instead of the end of August. If that happens, I apologize sincerely and I hope you guys will be patient with me until I'm able to get it out. I've been stressed lately, I have to get a bunch of stuff ready for school and so forth. Plus, I'll be gone next week and I won't have access to my story so I will not be able to work on it at all. I'm really sorry for the delay and the possibility of not being able to know what happens next in my story but please bear with me and understand that I'm trying my best to get all the parts out as quickly as I can. I hope you guys understand and will be patient with me.