DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!!! *Wii music* TIME FOR TRIVIAAAAAA!!!!! THE FIRST PERSON TO ANSWER CORRECTLY WINS!!! IDK YET WHAT THEY WIN BUT IT WILL MOST LIKELY INVOLVE A VIRTUAL HUG FROM ME BECAUSE YES. OR ME VOTING ON ALL THEIR BOOKS. OR SOMETHING ELSE. IDK. ANYWAY! Y'ALL VOTED B SO HISTORY IT IS!!! (One will be multiple choice and 1 will not) Question 1 ~ Who were all the countries/colonies/civilizations fighting in the French and Indian War? Question 2 ~ What was the name of the Nazi scientist who conducted horrific experiments on Jewish children during WWIII? Is it.... A. Jose Martinez B. Adolf Hitler C. Joseph Stalin (I probably spelled that wrong) D. Joseph Mengele (I also probably spelled that wrong) OR... E. Winston Churchill ~~~~~~~ Have fun guessing!! And REMEMBER!! NO LOOKING IT UP!!