
Finally got motivation to get writing again, for those reading my FNAF fanfic, a new chapter just dropped


I've finally realized why I lost my motivation to write... Or rather, remembered. I get no confirmation that people are reading what I write, and as such, it becomes demotivating for me to do what I do. I have no evidence of any kind that people are reading what I write, so I see no point in continuing... This sucks more than a hooker.


Okay, so to those who I told I am dropping fanfics, I'm only doing one series and they will all be tied into one another so there's that. I'm still focusing on my original stories. Also, please bear with me as I am not only writing but am also busy making videos for my YouTube channel.


His blood ran cold as Death slowly approached him, his time fighting the man of shadows had proven to be a farce. All the times he thought he was successful, Death was never really affected, and as such, he started to realize the gravity of the situation that he had been put in.
          "I bet you're thinking, why didn't I listen? Why did I rush in, guns blazing, to fight someone who could have ended me and all my allies as soon as he arrived?" Death asked as he cackled, "And now you're wondering why I was toying with you instead of finishing you off, boy... The real question isn't why I was toying with you, it's just a matter of why not?"


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To whoever chose to read my dumbass fanfics, I got news for ya, I'm done. I joined Wattpad to make original stories and somehow I lost sight of that. I unpublished them all. I will hold them all for review to see which ones gets deleted and which ones I will hold on to and republish at a later date. Just know that I'm focusing on what I wanted to do in the first place. That is all.
          From Lee the Ghost Supreme


I will support you no matter what you want to write, let it be fanfiction or an original book. 