
Quick note to say that we don't really know what happened, but we are aware that chapter 29 of 'Among Us' is missing. We're currently working on it to fix this problem!
          	- G-r-eek_Myth


Hi mythology geeks!
          So first of all as you can see quite a few changes have been made. This is in line with a new project we have been working on. From now on we will be going forth as G-r-eek_Myth. More on this project later :))
          Second, we (finally) updated Among Us you guys! I hope you're excited and ready because it's up for grabs. Go check it out and let us know what you think!
          Last but not least we have a discord server all about Greek mythology! If you're interested the link will be in our bio!
          ~ G-r-eek_Myth 


Hey guys,
          A new chapter of Among Us is published. Make yourself comfy because it has quite a bit of extra information. There is also a chapeter ready to be published on Monday as well so look forward to that as well! As always we hope you enjoy the story. See you in the next one!


Wow guys,
          We staan even met onze mond vol tanden. Heroes of the gods heeft gewoon even 900 reads gehaald! Het lijkt wel een droom. Toen we dat eerste hoofdstuk voor de leut schreven hadden we nooit gedacht dat we het ook ooit effectief zouden posten. We weten dat meerdere onder jullie al gevraagd hebben voor meerdere hoofdstukken, maar we hebben onszelf op dit moment een beetje vast geschreven. We hebben het er nog steeds over hoe we ermee verder kunnen. Maar het probleem is ook een beetje dat het Riordan verse in the tussentijd al zo hard is uitgebreid, dat heel weinig van ons verhaal nog overeenkomt met de canon verhaallijnen. Ondanks dat zijn we ongelooflijk dankbaar voor alle lezers die interesse toonde in ons verhaal. Ongeacht of het afgewerkt is of niet. Dankjwel allemaal!


Hi guys,
          I hope you're all ready cause the preparations have been made, more dept on our main character is on it's way. If you want to want to know more make sure to go check out the chapter and we'll see you in the next one!


Hey guys,
          New chapter is up so go have look. It's quite a rollercoaster, but it preps for some moe backstory on our main character. We hope you're all excited to get to know Skyler a bit better, because she is ready for you. See you in the next one!