Thinking of changing my theme 
          	What do you think?
          	A more Christmasy theme 


Read it all
          We’re true friends 
          We ride together,We die together 
          Send this to everyone you care about including me,if you care
          See how many times you get this 
          I want you to know you’re an amazing friend,till death and forever 
          If I don’t get this back,I understand 
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this,you must send this to 15 people  including me.
          If you get  at least 3 back, you’re loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.
          Tonight (right at 12pm)
          The person you love will realize that they love you.
          Then at 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm,be ready for the shock of your  life.
          If you break this chain you will have bad luck 
          With love send this to 15 people. 
          If not you’ll turn ugly in a year.
          A friend told me to do this  so pass it on.
          Tomorrow two boys/girls will ask if they can have your number.
          Send this to 15 people or bad luck starts for a whole year.
          This is not fake.


Please stop promoting on my message board 
          Yes I will report each violation as spam before deleting them 
          Have a wonderful day <3


And I will give you some advice too.
            You should ask before you post on someone's message board multiple people have been complaining about you 
            It's considered rude if you don't have the person's  permission.
            I'm just doing what everyone else does when someone disrespects their rules plus it what Wattpad admin advises its users to do and that's the reason you lost your old account
            Don't promote when you don't even follow me nor read my books 


@G0Th1C-G1RLIE_ Because most people don’t read the conversation feed :-(. I don’t want to be rude but since most of the messages are covered by latest message, most people don’t read. I was suggesting you, not telling or ordering you… if you don’t want to do that, it’s your choice. I won’t bother you anymore… :-(


@lunalorefantasy why should I have to if I already make it clear people should ask my permission first 