Im deleting for those who care goodbye i will no longer be writing i hope you all enjoyed


Lately ive been drawing blanks on what to write ive come to a complete hault idk how to countine the story i cant think if any somgs or poems im losing mt touch im losing my spark and its hard to get it back i may just leave things the way they are i have 0 motivation to keep these books going my sparks slowly dying ill try to bring you guys something soon if i can but later as always smile bc your beautiful


My page is growing pretty quickly and im thankful for every follower i read every message and reply when i can and i know i miss spell words at points thats bc i turned off my autocorrect for my phone bc well everyone knows how autocorrect is but thanks again everyone for following me and reading my horrid storys lately its been tough but nowni have something to keep my mind off of the bad things i finally after months of searching have found a sega genesis emulator and it works ive been playing tmnt, sonic, and street fight 2 ill be getting more games but dont worry i the king of kolas will bring my kola army more yoai but as for now enjoy chapter 6 my poem sing and my song woods of dispeare but 213 followers whoooo!!!!!!!!


Heh, thanks for followin' meeeeeee - Rusty


@-_-Broken-_- my pleasure hehe 


Ok my lovely followers my depression is gome for now bc my meds but im faved with a new pain i just walked home from school after dropping a freind off a four hour walk in black jeans my black vans my heavy book bag and my camo long sleeve shirt now why am i telling you all this? Well im gald you asked the reason is if i die (probably wont but still) if i die i want you all to know i love you all your all amazing from what ive read on ypur bios some of you funny some of you want to help and some well your being you ik im not the best at writting i know i seem like an attention whore but im not i write to express my pain its what keeps my from thinking of suicide my life isnt all happy amd stuff like most ppl my faimlys torn apart of lot of ppl i knew ignore me my heart has acutal holes in it so i have internal bleeding im not telling a sob story its the truth i dont want pity i just want you guys to know thats why my writting takes a while its why my replys are scattered its the reason for everything about me but i try to make time for you guys i live with my step dad my real dad left my mom is with her boy freind along with my three brothers and sister in kansas working in the fields i wont see them till august and i miss them even tho none of us get along i still miss them there my faimly but enough with the sad stuff i want you guys to be happy for me for someone you love for yourself you all deserve to wear a beautiful smile i havent talked to alot of my followers mostly bc i cant get around to it or the speak a foreign language dont let that stop you i have translators tell me your language i can translate it your all beautiful and handsome even if you harm yourself have a medical problem what ever your still beautiful handsome and worth alot in my eyes so smile bc theres always someone that will love you and thats me ☺


@LIF3S_MYST34Y why wont you talk to me


As most of you know care or whatever i recently lost a very close realtive and friend to suicide its one of the many reasons my books have come to a halt ive been grieving but i hide it from most ill countine my lyrics one love and my book of randomness once this pain im in washes over i love you all newcomers and the ones who have been here for me since you are and always will be my army and i love you all as always be safe be careful and dont end your beautiful lives no matter how rough it gets


            Ouch.Legos hurt.
            Best of luck!!:)


@LIF3S_MYST34Y thank you @CielPhantomhive-Earl but im slowly cooping with the fact hes gone he was an amazing freind to see someone like him go hurts more than stepping on a lego (no pun intended) but ill countine my storys a few months maybe a week ot just depends 


I'm am the one hiding under your bed teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red


@LIF3S_MYST34Y in this town dont we love it now everybodys waiting fot the next supprise


@LIF3S_MYST34Y in this town we call home everyone hail to the pumpkin song.


@Nightmare_overlord this is halloween this halloween halloween halloween