I miss you! Legit though, you were the first acc I ever followed and your Minx book was the first thing I ever read here (I is nerd). I really am sad though... everything is changing in life recently and I was reminded of your account I just... I wanna say thanks. You were one of the driving factors behind me getting into wattpad and it's changed my life in ways I didn't expect... guess you could say YOU changed my life. You'll probably never see this but... I hope you're happy, wherever the hell you are You couldn't understand why I'm posting this if I tried to explain, so... I'll just leave it up to this. *hugz*

@That_foxy_girl never messaged, just loved your works, and the stuff alot of the time said by you in comments was, like I said driving behind me into wattpad. Glad to know you arent gone though. Full one eighty XD.

@That_foxy_girl hi! I just saw this! Im replying from my new account! This made me super happy i have horrible memory so itll take me a hot hot moment to recall if i mssged u and on where! U should reply and reconnect i would love to stay in contact