﹟should i make a book...  i wanna do group stuff.. hmm or maybe just on my board


    you  were  worried  about  the  fact  no  one  else  had  a  driver's  license  for  the  gorilla  yet  you  made  wine  no  problem  and  served  it  to  practically  everyone,  what's  your  logic  for  that  science  man?  [  arms  crossed  and  an  amused  brow  is  raised   in  question.  ] 


      * @musnote 
            i  do  and  things  will  return  as  they  were.  but  a  better  and  stronger  era  of  living.   
              *hands  place  themselves  upon  his  hips,  back  straight  and  posture   high.  confidence  ever  glowing  and  clear,  he  knew  he  could  accomplish  it,  that  they  all  could.  there  wasn't  a  doubt  if  they  kept  at  the  pace  they  were,  people  would  return  to  their  normal  lives  from  thousands  of  years  prior.


   you're  something  else,  senkuu.   thought  you  wanted  things  to  be   "back  to  civilizations  ways"  that means  the  laws  as  well.   it's  good  to  see  you  lightening  up  a  tad.  (  not  that  she  thought  he  was  a  stickler  or  anything.  )


    *  @musnote 
               i'm  over  3700  besides  its  not  the  real  stuff.  not  just  yet.  
               *he  picks  his  ear,  with  his  pinky  finger,  like  always,  a  conniving  grin  tugging  at  his  features.


    that's  a  weird  mission  to  be  sending  me  on,  but  i'll  see  that  i  can  manage  it,  hope  you're  having  a  tag  along  join  me.


      * @musnote 
            precisely,  now  you're  using  your  thinker.
              * senkuu  retrieves  the  black  and  white  photo  of  the  area,  a  mountain  side  almost  some  sort  of  cave  perhaps.  remniscent  of  the  many  places  they'd  past  discovered  filtering  through  his  mind. 
              there's  definetly  some  silver  deposits  there,  which  is  what  we'll  be  needing  here  soon,  that  and  other  minerals.  scope  out  what  you  can,  we'll  send  the  strength  team  after  you  report  back.


  it's  not  that  i  can't  handle  it  alone,  [  she   starts,  a  tad  roll  of  the  eyes  with  an  amused  grin,  ]  it's  more  so  that   you're  sending  me  astray  for  something  perturbing..    what  was  it  you  saw  that  you're  sending  me  now  to  collect?   you   guys  used  the  hot  air  balloon  to  search  for  stuff,  was  this  another  material  the  camera  caught?


        * @musnote 
               not  able  to  handle  it  alone?
            the  lioness  is  gonna  pair  up  with  you,  she'll  be  good  for  helping  you  scout  this  item 


  ❛   so  you're  recruiting  people  to  bring  back  science  and  civilization  as  it  was?  [  lips  purse,  though  you  can  tell  she's  thinking  with  the  look  far  off  in  his  eye.  perhaps  there  were  things  that  science could  bring  back  specifically  for  her.  this  bunch  seemed  interesting.  ]  alright,  i'm  in.  what's  first?


    * @musnote 
             just  like  that?  you  almost  make  it  too  easy.    we'll  be  bringing  it  / all /  back.  even  creating  / those, /  from  scratch.