@A-Limacher I'm sorry because i need to delete it. because someone messaged me to take down the English translation of the Gap series. because the author is upset about the pirated copies of Gap. and someone told me there will be no english translation of Gap season 2.
@user42110335 I'm sorry i need to delete it because someone messaged me to take down the English translation of the Gap series. because the author is upset about the pirated copies of Gap. and someone told me there will be no english translation of Gap season 2.
@brkyqf6v6wprivaterel sorry. because someone messaged me to take down the English translation of the Gap series. because the author is upset about the pirated copies of Gap. and someone told me there will be no english translation of Gap season 2.
@KaoriiForEydee I'm sorry because someone messaged me to take down the English translation of the Gap series. because the author is upset about the pirated copies of Gap. and someone told me there will be no english translation of Gap season 2.
@sae_romrommie I'm sorry, i need to delete it. because someone messaged me to take down the English translation of the Gap series. because the author is upset about the pirated copies of Gap. and someone told me there will be no english translation of Gap season 2.