Here to describe the girl I love who has a gff not me sadly ALICE ONE CHANCE. I WROTE A WHOLE SHORT STORY AT 6AM FOR UUU ANYWAYS...
          	Pretty Dark Black hair on the top of her hair, A nice crimson red underneath, all kinda like spiked and curled, messy dyed hair, I dint know her eye color but im guessing a green or deep brown maybe Hazel, a brown Messenger bag with little pins and whatnots on it, kinda thin, almost taller then me. 
          	wears alot of baggy pants sometimes, Baggy shirts mostly dark colors, she has bangs and mostly hangs out around her friend's at thr far table to the left in the back.
          	 her bangs are messy aswell:D


Here to describe the girl I love who has a gff not me sadly ALICE ONE CHANCE. I WROTE A WHOLE SHORT STORY AT 6AM FOR UUU ANYWAYS...
          Pretty Dark Black hair on the top of her hair, A nice crimson red underneath, all kinda like spiked and curled, messy dyed hair, I dint know her eye color but im guessing a green or deep brown maybe Hazel, a brown Messenger bag with little pins and whatnots on it, kinda thin, almost taller then me. 
          wears alot of baggy pants sometimes, Baggy shirts mostly dark colors, she has bangs and mostly hangs out around her friend's at thr far table to the left in the back.
           her bangs are messy aswell:D


Pretty Dark Black hair on the top of her hair, A nice crimson red underneath, all kinda like spiked and curled, messy dyed hair, I dint know her eye color but im guessing a green or deep brown maybe Hazel.
           A brown Messenger bag with little pins and whatnots on it, kinda thin, almost taller then me and wears a lot of baggy pants sometimes, Baggy shirts mostly dark colors. 
          she has bangs and mostly hangs out around her friend's at a far table to the left in the back, her bangs are messy aswell:D


Yall my school started like 2 days ago and i already have a crushhh HER NAME IS ALICE AND OMGGG I CAN DESCRIBE HER SO WELL.


@GAYZ3RRR  Don't worry, my sarcasm is always meant to make people feel better.


@Love_Aric_SGE_PRIDE I feel like ur being mean or nice lmao


@GAYZ3RRR "Wow! Thas so insane!" Give me an Oscar, people! I totally nailed that line! 


What if I rewrote Tgcf and put it on AO3 or here and the whole thing is surrounded by Beefleaf, like when He xuan kidnapped Ming Yi and met Shi Qingxuan and realized it's who he's gonna betray, anyways my school starts in 2 weeks so I won't be writing when it starts on thr 14th but I will try and write before it starts and when it goes on


this message may be offensive
Was it casual when you told me you love me?
          Was it casual when you played with my waves after PE since my hair got wet and it got wavey and you told me i was YOUR pretty girl?
          Was it casual when my best friend knew about us even though you wanted it a secret but we always would pass notes even if he sat right next to us?
          Was it casual when you put my head in you lap because i was tired and kissed my head and cheeks?
          was it causel when you fucking kissed my hands and scars while i cried in your arms?
          Was it casual when we had to keep it a secret but i told my closest friends because i loved you so much and they already knew?
          was it casual when even my own mother could tell i loved you?
          was it casual whenever you would call me baby, darling, or Mi Amor even when people questioned it because were 'just friends'
          was it fucking casual when our own teacher thought i liked you so thats why he put us together almost every time?
          was it casual whenever you would tell me its okay and kiss the pain away?
          was it casual when you always would grab my hand for comfort while watchinga movie in class?
          was it casual when you would lay, shoulders touching next to me while i kept my hand on your back under a blanket during a movie in class so you wouldnt get cold? and you always did the same for me but avoided spots you made sure to note down that i dont like being touched at?
          Was it casual when we dated in general..?


feeling the need to make a 'Was it casual slide show' on tiktok or write it out on here because i miss my ex girlfriend(broke up because she is now straight and always has been ig!)
           and the friend who treated me like a girlfriend