Looking back on it, The Greatest Showman basically kinda has the same story format as Hamilton.
The first half is fun and stuff and our main protagonists are successful. Then a lady comes over, they get on the news, and the wife leaves with the kids. Emotionally or physically.
It even has some of the same aspects as in “Never be enough”/ “Never be satisfied...” Phineas (idk how to spell, lets call him “Phin”) says that his dad treated him like trash and he won’t let his children be treated the same way... Kinda like how Alex’s father left him and he did everything so he had a legacy. Both also abandoned their friends... (ex : The whole lovable cast in TGS / LAFAYETTE THE BAGUETTE) Another thing, Charity and Eliza are extremely similar. Both come from rich families, both just want to be happy with their families, both were left alone or was away when Phin/Alex was with Maria/Jenny, both have beautiful voices (but so does everyone in both shows so not rlly a similarity), and when Charity left Phin... She was wearing a blue dress.
The endings are a bit different but yeah... At least one of them survives? I just wanted to point this out cause I realized it halfway when I was watching The Greatest Showman again.