Happy New Year lovelies! Chapter 3 of A Black Christmas is up. Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for your patience and encouragement. https://my.w.tt/UiNb/waRpRt3bmJ
Reading Lists
Happy New Year lovelies! Chapter 3 of A Black Christmas is up. Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for your patience and encouragement. https://my.w.tt/UiNb/waRpRt3bmJ
Happy New Year lovelies! Chapter 3 of A Black Christmas is up. Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for your patience and encouragement. https://my.w.tt/UiNb/waRpRt3bmJ
I’m cutting it fine getting the next chapter up for Christmas, but here it is. Have a wonderful time everyone. Thank you all for your kind and encouraging feedback - you’re an excellent lot, with fine taste in men. ;o) Guy and I will see you on the other side. :o)
There, I've done it! I couldn't resist dipping my toes in the water by writing a little ficlet for @jadey36 Guys Christmas Crackers prompt. Enjoy, and be kind. I'll update as often as I can. Chapters are short, a bit like the author ;o) https://www.wattpad.com/story/132012812
So, this week has been a brilliant one, because some of my favourite writers have updated new chapters, or posted shiny new stories. I'm in reader heaven people! Plus, it's the weekend and there's a bottle of Amarone winking at me. I suspect that the much missed @nellieharrod and @whatcatydidnext have been getting each other all riled up over a bottle of Bristol Cream, because there's new updates to No Honour Among Thieves and while Christ and His Angels Slept, A Sparrow Sang; that'll keep my hankering for a bit of angst and olde worlde dialogue sated I'm sure. @jadey36 popped her head over the parapet at half term (very brave) to keep us abreast with stabby Guy and Arrow Boys exciting will they, won't they predicament in Endgame. @CarlyQ gave us a lovely, poignant short story, Snowflakes, which was so good that I'd love to see more. And last, but by no means least, @EmMarlow gave us chapter 3 of Love to Hate You; another of her delicious confections (where the hero looks like a certain someone), and is choc full of humour and all manner of fabulousness. I'm already VERY addicted. Have a good weekend ladies, and indulge in each other's stories - and thanks for being such stars. Right, I'm off in search of that bottle of red with the grit in its eye.
May 2016 be the best you have ever had. Have a blissful, healthy and creative new year. And thank you all so much for all your wonderful writing and giggles in 2015 . Xxx
@EmMarlow I'm with you sister. It was vile, simply VIIIIILE. So many people love s3 hair, but I just don't get it. I talked about the hair didn't I?
@EmMarlow Tooling I'd the generic term for the designs in the leather. Holes, straps and fancy gizmos etc. Was taking the mick a bit tbh. I too did not like the outfits. I especially hated the hair. Obviously I'm really just talking about Guy here, because frankly nobody else is on my radar. S2 Guy is my fave look. Ending of S2 was the worst episode for me. Much as Marian got in my t*t end, Guy killing her was not the best bit of writing.
@GBReader Thanks for the suggestion. I did have one of her works on my reading list already, and her series looks like it would be a laugh! The to-read pile grows... Have a great Xmas. :)
Have started reading it and you're right, it certainly does draw you in! I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I'm afraid the writing has got crowded out for now - roll on January/our summer hols. x
Hey! This one is great fun, and a real builder. It has a very British feel, and is very smart in the way the story builds and references traditions, and things that have happened each year to highlight where our hero and heroine in each other's lives. I adored it, hope you do too. It's a very Christmassy read. Hope you have a fab Xmas yourself. How is your writing going? It's a busy time of year isn't it? X
Dearest followers (all 8 of you; though frankly it's a miracle that I have ANY, given that I don't actually write anything - but bless you all for it - you queer lot). I wanted to make a Christmas reading recommendation folks. The fragrant Em Marlow writes delectable tales featuring a tall, dark, blue eyed hero with a large, yet noble beak. Her latest is 12 Years of Christmas, and it's is a cracker of a read, if you'll forgive the tired pun. It's funny, sweet, romantic, angsty and did I mention funny? Do give it a read, make it a little present to yourself - you won't regret it. http://w.tt/1TFZKjy Oh, and if you like it, spread the word - she should be more widely read than she is. This is probably a once in a lifetime post, so I'll take this opportunity to wish you delicious creatures a marvellous Christmas and a happy, healthy 2016. Love ya!
@GBReader Sorry for the late reply. I didn't get a notification of your comment for some reason. Watty being screwy I guess. I loved Em's story and read the whole thing in the space of about three days. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year!
Bless you! Think you'll enjoy it J. One of the things I like about the story (apart from the humour). Is the way it builds, and has layers. Think you - with your ear for dialogue- will enjoy the chat, and inner thoughts. It gets better with each chapter. Speaking of things to read, I have your Drabble and Xmas shenanigans sitting in my virtual ready pile. Yummy! Have a good weekend. Xxx
Hi Thanks for the follow! As you can see I'm new to Wattpad, so much appreciated.
Hi Charlotte, I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond to your message. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. There have been so many changes in your life haven't there? I hope all has continued to go well in the weeks since you've posted this message? I'm looking forward to the continuation of Rebel Mine and the anthology. Much love. Xx
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