
follow me on twitter for more updates on books and just say hi @gdmaverick3


So years ago I made a promise to myself that I would never read an unfinished fic ever again because I got my heart broken my not getting an update on my favorite one. Then this Kamala Harris… stuff… happened and I broke that promise (even made my first wattpad account!) and then I got heatbroken again (lol) and went back to my promise with only one exception (Miss America).
          ALL THIS TO SAY that I found your fanfic by accident and my face ACTUALLY went  as I read the synopsis because it’s SUCH a creative and fascinating idea. Just immediately got absorved in all the implications of that a contemporary time and yk, it’s Kamala! What will she do? So I couldn’t help myself lol and will be reading it immediately. Just wanted to congratulate you before I even read it. 
          (This is also my first time leaving a message on someone’s profile and I hope it’s not weird behavior. I was just really amazed.)


@GDMaverick please do! I have to say, a handful of other fics spiked my interest but none of them enough to put my heart on the line lol. 
            If it helps, I’m loving it so far. Kamala could use the nuclear codes on the king and his sons for all I care, Maya and Meena are the best family ever and Aurelia is just so sweet and going through a lot, the poor thing :(
            Also, I didn’t know that emojis don’t show up here but I was referring to my face looking like the shocked face emoji lol


@inaphasebrb i'm sobbing, this is so sweet, let me get back to writing right now just for this


Is my wattpad Going crazy? I can’t see recovery on ur page!


@GDMaverick it’s okay dw!! Take ur time and I hope you feel better 


No y’all. I’m sorry, I’ve been going through it lately and I haven’t been writing at all. I will repost Recovery once it’s completely rewritten. Thank you all so much for the support ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️