
          	Just wanted to give another update. Next chapter's coming along well. Been slacking a bit, but it should be out next week! 
          	In the meantime, I just noticed that we reached 300k reads on the book. I'm not going to give the "I never thought I'd reach that many views" speech, but 300k is absolutely INSANE. A massive thank you to all of you for every single read, and I hope you'll enjoy what's coming next!


@GFanatiiK Even though i haven't started this book yet i'm really excited for it. Keep doing your best :)


been a while, hope everything okay


@notlikealex1 Everything's going fine, thanks for your concern. I'm busy as ever, which is the main reason why there's so little activity on my profile even though I said there'd be more. But I'm still working on the book whenever I get a little break. I still aim to finish it one day, but I have plenty to do to get there until then. Anyway, thanks again for your concern.


          Just wanted to give another update. Next chapter's coming along well. Been slacking a bit, but it should be out next week! 
          In the meantime, I just noticed that we reached 300k reads on the book. I'm not going to give the "I never thought I'd reach that many views" speech, but 300k is absolutely INSANE. A massive thank you to all of you for every single read, and I hope you'll enjoy what's coming next!


@GFanatiiK Even though i haven't started this book yet i'm really excited for it. Keep doing your best :)


Hey guys!
          Just wanted to give a small update. I know I said in the last chapter that there would be one chapter a month, and that was two months ago already (Christ, I'm terrible at keeping to the schedule). In the meantime, I had to study for my finals. And now that it's over, I can fully focus on writing, so you can expect an update really soon. Thank you for your patience!


@GFanatiiK I have finals coming up so no problem 


@GFanatiiK well tbh all that matters was if you are alright. Was honestly kind of worried.