I've starred up a YouTube channel! It's Gacha_GG. I make Remadora videos and my most recent non Harry Potter one is Ayando (Yan sim Budo x Ayano shippers will understand) and I posted it an hour ago.
I've starred up a YouTube channel! It's Gacha_GG. I make Remadora videos and my most recent non Harry Potter one is Ayando (Yan sim Budo x Ayano shippers will understand) and I posted it an hour ago.
OMG! Please subscribe to Lovlee subs! Her subliminals are life changing! I'm now shorter, I'm cuter, I've lost a bunch of weight, I have a cute voice and I'm pretty sure you can get the image! I feel the greatest! I finally feel comfortable to show my figure off.
READ MY REMADORA STORY OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!! I know where you live, your name, your family, your outfit and I know everything about you. So you better read it. (I don't know anything about you.)