
I'm just going to say it because I don't want you guys to keep wondering anymore or hoping for another chapter. I won't update probably any time soon, I'm quite busy and when I finally have some free time (rarely) I like to use it for my mental health, especially after stressful events. I'm so sorry I hope you understand, but thank you for reading I appreciate it!!


I'm just going to say it because I don't want you guys to keep wondering anymore or hoping for another chapter. I won't update probably any time soon, I'm quite busy and when I finally have some free time (rarely) I like to use it for my mental health, especially after stressful events. I'm so sorry I hope you understand, but thank you for reading I appreciate it!!


Are you alive? When you gonna update?


@Before-the-storm well, I know you alive now, it's ok fighting 


@Before-the-storm skdkfkj I'm sorry, I've been busy with school work but I promise to update this weekend