im literally so sorry i stopped updating and took down my books I just yk, it's been 5 years and most of my works don't reflect who I am as a writer today :/
          	I SWEAR I'M TRYING, school just sucks man- I hope everyone is alright tho :)


im literally so sorry i stopped updating and took down my books I just yk, it's been 5 years and most of my works don't reflect who I am as a writer today :/
          I SWEAR I'M TRYING, school just sucks man- I hope everyone is alright tho :)


— ( . . . ) what's your favorite scarry movie ?
          hi :)


@GH0ST-FACE  hiii My favorite movie is Terrified (Aterrados, 2017), an Argentinian scary/horror movie, it gained a lot of recognition and it's really good. Soon there will be a sequel. 


@GH0ST-FACE     Hello  why is that hi actually adorable though and my favourite scary movie is 47 metres down uncaged. 