"Damaged Goods...Don't Give Up on Me" lovestruck0
It was nice to read a story that has some substance for a change. Not only is there the story that is on the surface, but also an underlining story of the main character trying to figure out the meaning of the word “love”. I know that it sounds corny when put like that, but it works. The inside of a teenage girls mind is very complicated yet very simple at the same time. Girls are usually over thinkers that are normally nervous about all different things, but at the same time put on a brave front to survive the world around them. The author hit the nail on the head with this one, and it turned out very realistic. This is a good thing because the majority of the story is what is going thru the character's head. I love how descriptive the author is in her story. Everything is explained, all the way down to what a noise sounds like, which made it very interesting. This worked very well in the love scene, which let me tell you was a Va-Va-Voom, make me feel all warm and fuzzy (not the teddy bear and rainbow kind), love scene. One for the books! One thing! I knew you were waiting for it. Is it just me or did “Amy” turn to “Abby” in Chapter 20. Got a little confused there. Don’t care though, still looking forward to the next chapter. Up to Ch.20 ****.5