
There was a delay in getting part two of Chapter Ten out but here it is, in all its glory! Together with the new cover art, I'm very fond of it all. Let me know what you think, everyone! :) Link to story:


Hey everyone! I've taken a slight break from writing forward on The Ripple Prophecy to reformat Chapter Two and Chapter Three. 
          I realized thanks to helpful feedback that the pacing needed reworking, and I take all constructive feedback seriously. 
          This Friday I'll be re-uploading Chapters Two and Three with the updated versions. Thank you everyone for your patience!


@CandidMetier Yeah so the trouble was that chapter two was originally a flashbaack that I didn't handle well in trying to make an active scene initially. So I've added more dialogue and personalization of the main characters. I'm not sure how much extra plot elements  I threw in, but hopefully it's easier to follow now. We'll see on Friday!


@GMSilver Thank you for considering that because I was having a little trouble with getting the story plot. 