have just reposted some of my personal anecdotes, feel like im stuck in the same place as I was six months ago, but it's funny to read back. and I quite like what I wrote, which is major motivation to write more
I'm the worst updater in the world lol. haven't been writing lots lately, but slowly getting back to it. taking it easy and writing little blurbs tho before I dare dive back in to my favorite bubble of Jamie and Noah I created. Sorry for the hold up, can't promise when I'll have a new chapter ready for you
What are the best parts of a relationship for you?
Comment below and I might implement it into Noah and Jamie's relationship!
(I'm struggling a little with making the new books as cute as Peter k help a girl out pls)
i have spent the past two and a half days writing smut that's not even going to be the next chapter I'll post and it's not done and I'm going insane
but in other news, I have the next two days off as well so hopefully I'll be able to finish this thing soon, then finish the chapter that comes first and be able to post somewhat regularly again
no one ever talks about writing smut not getting any easier even when you're not a virgin anymore I had high expectations of suddenly being able to write the best sex scenes but no