Hello! You guys are probably wondering what happened to my book. Well, I've been very busy with work and focusing on other artistic projects. Besides, my mental health is kinda down the drain, but what's new lol. Anyway, I don't wanna write something that's not up to the expectations. So please bear with me and be patient. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH and I'm really thankful to all the readers. I promise I will post something great eventually. In the meantime, listen to lots of music and stay safe <3


@ SophBXX5  We miss you! Stay safe honey♡


Hello! You guys are probably wondering what happened to my book. Well, I've been very busy with work and focusing on other artistic projects. Besides, my mental health is kinda down the drain, but what's new lol. Anyway, I don't wanna write something that's not up to the expectations. So please bear with me and be patient. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH and I'm really thankful to all the readers. I promise I will post something great eventually. In the meantime, listen to lots of music and stay safe <3


@ SophBXX5  We miss you! Stay safe honey♡


Hola, sólo quería decir que lamento no haber actualizado mi historia últimamente. No me he sentido bien y mi salud mental no es la mejor. He intentado terminar el próximo capítulo pero no puedo concentrarme. Haré todo lo posible para terminarlo en los próximos días. Sé a dónde debe ir la historia, pero no tengo la energía para hacerlo. Estoy tomando un pequeño descanso, pero mientras tanto, significaría mucho para mí si me dejan saber en los comentarios qué piensan de la historia. Además, siéntanse libres de compartir cualquier opinión. Muchas gracias <3


@ SophBXX5  en Twitter soy @laAnnima5 y en ig @your_michelle8 uwu


@XxVenusPriestxX aaaa cuáles son tus cuentas para seguirte? 


@ SophBXX5  pd: te veo en Twitter, en Ig,en Wattpad... ESTÁS EN TODAS PARTES xd


Hi, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not updating my story lately. I haven't been feeling well and my mental health is all over the place. I've tried to finish the next chapter but I can't focus. I'll do my best to have it finished in the next few days. I know where the story should go but I don't have the energy to do it. I'm sorry guys. I'm taking a little break, but in the meantime, it will mean a lot to me if you let me know in the comments what do you think of the story. Also, feel free to share any feedback. Thank you a lot <3


Hey babe, just wanted to say thanks for adding my Izzy story! I have a Duff and Nikki one as well, but they’re being edited rn, should be back up soon though! Thanks again xoxo


You’re so sweet! I should be updating soon :)


@psychgirl9055 thank you for writing such a good story ♡


          Publiqué mi primera historia aquí. Se trata de una chica que conoce a Izzy Stradlin y el resto es historia lol. Como mi lengua materna es el español, escribí la historia en español e inglés. ¡Espero que les guste!
          Esta es la versión en español para mi gente de habla hispana:

          Por favor, háganme saber lo que piensan en los comentarios y voten si les gustó.
          ¡GRACIAS CHICOS!


          So, I published my first story here. It's about girl meets Izzy Stradlin and the rest is history lol.  Since my mother language it's Spanish I wrote the story in both Spanish and English. I hope you really like it! 
          This is the English version for my English speaking dudes:

          Please let me know what you think in the comments and vote if you like it
          THANK YOU, GUYS!


          So, I don't know if you already know about this but I just found this post written by a woman who knows Izzy personally and it's really great. She narrates two real life episode in which she met Izzy. One in 1988 when she was 17 years old and the other one 24 years later in 2012.
          Here's the link:

          Enjoy ♡♡♡