
I missed posting yesterday I am sorry. I have seemed to be hit by some sort of plague and I’m not feeling the best. I am working on it.
          	Lots of love,


Hi everyone! I haven’t post In a very long time. Almost a year. I guess that happens when life throws you curve balls. But I am back and I have a new story (maybe more) In the works. And maybe, hopefully expand on some current ones. 
          I currently have ideas for…
          Azriel from SJM Acotar 
          Bucky Barnes/ winter soldier 
          Billy Hargrove
          Slash Guns N’ Roses
          And of course our ever loveable metal head 
          Eddie munson 
          (You know writing that list out made me realize I might have a thing for people who would wear leather jacket….I’m starting to see a pattern )
          Feel free to comment/message if you would like to see any of these stories in particular. If not I will just work on what ever my head thinks of first. 
          So much love y’all,