
i'm sorry i haven't been posting this week. it's been hard with my kids being sick and my mom was hospitalized and now has to have surgery where she might loose both if her kidneys we are looking at dialysis and transplants. 


Chapter 4 of Safe is going to be a longest chapter yet. i'm hoping by not posting everyday but every other day, longer and more well written chapters are going to become the norm. looking forward to posting the chapter tomorrow. and praying you guy or who ever reads it. if anyone does  


so my last post was from may 2023! said i had some sort of plague. yea it wasn't a plague. it was a baby! those 9 months were rough. and now that said baby is now a year old! out of the newborn and infant stage i'm hoping to find more time to write! i'm starting off with a Bucky barnes story in honor of thunderbolts* coming out soon. i hope you guys like it. i know i normally do stranger things. but i thought i would try something new 


Hi everyone! I haven’t post In a very long time. Almost a year. I guess that happens when life throws you curve balls. But I am back and I have a new story (maybe more) In the works. And maybe, hopefully expand on some current ones. 
          I currently have ideas for…
          Azriel from SJM Acotar 
          Bucky Barnes/ winter soldier 
          Billy Hargrove
          Slash Guns N’ Roses
          And of course our ever loveable metal head 
          Eddie munson 
          (You know writing that list out made me realize I might have a thing for people who would wear leather jacket….I’m starting to see a pattern )
          Feel free to comment/message if you would like to see any of these stories in particular. If not I will just work on what ever my head thinks of first. 
          So much love y’all,