
ᅠᅠᅠᅠbibi! you ' re back, where have you been? you ' ve missed our practices for months now!

@TALOSARCHERS "I take down many andskoti in the Games, though have never reached twenty in one match. Perhaps one day you shall exceed my highest kill count, but until then, you must practice your skills more." Bloodhound glanced down to the axe they had just holstered, falling silent for a few seconds as they thought it over. It was quite heavy for somebody of his size, but he was beginning to learn bow and arrow, which took a lot of strength from such a young child. "You may hold it, carefully, though I require a hug first," they offered in an attempt to compromise with Einar. "Sanngjarnt?" (andskoti = devil, used in the context of enemies // "fair?")

ᅠᅠᅠᅠa blue gaze watched them do so, arms crossed in a bit of aggravation yet they fell upon the realization of where his parsib had been. " oh yeah. " even a frown managed to form but short-lived as he managed to make such a thing optimistic. " that ' s so cool. how many people do you take down per game? whatever it is, i ' m sure i can beat it when i get taller. " oh boy, there came that cocky little grin. it persisting even after dirt was wiped from his cheek. " but a hug is so borinnnng.... can ' t i hold your axe instead? "

@TALOSARCHERS Just the sound of the child's voice was enough to push a soft smile --- a /genuine/ smile --- upon their lips beneath the mask they wore. Bloodhound hadn't heard that little voice in months, perhaps even a year at this point, so it was refreshing to hear from him once more. It reminded them that they were home. Kneeling down to become his height, they placed their axe into a little holster on their side, the palm of their other hand resting upon their knee. "I compete in the Apex Games, remember? You've grown since I saw you last, Einar. One day you shall be as tall as I, if not taller!" They reached a gloved hand up to gently wipe a bit of dirt from his cheek, head tilting to the side ever so slightly as they did so. "I am sorry for missing our practices. Perhaps you will forgive me with a hug?"

; seeing the ð as a former vikingr rper , i was screeching

@BLINDMURDER / true !! there’s just something about the norse that’s so intriguing && omg says youuu, with the absolutely pristine aesthetic and a matching background !! <33 mayhaps at some point I could drop something, if you’d like ?

; i was nerding out fr , and any character with norse ties have a special place in my heart . oml says you , this anon is s p i c y <3

@BLINDMURDER / AHAHA pls I love that sm blóðhundur holds a very special place in my heart :’) also I’m lowkey stoked u reached out bc I adore your acc so much — it’s so pretty :pleading:

@pizzadeIiveries / :even more aggressive eye emojis: