I’ve recently got into life is strange two, and I so wanna do a book (Finn x Sean) but when I read other ones ive been seeing that their all 2019-2021 then no further, so am I gonna write something pointless no one will see or is it still kinda strong lol


I’ve recently got into life is strange two, and I so wanna do a book (Finn x Sean) but when I read other ones ive been seeing that their all 2019-2021 then no further, so am I gonna write something pointless no one will see or is it still kinda strong lol


Ive recently been uninspired to write, not much I would like to do but what I would I’m quite embarrassed. I’m used to writing about one or two fandoms and trying to branch out but it’s scary cause what if I don’t know how the characters act all that well?, anyways what I’m saying is Travis’s story won’t be updated for a bit until I get the time to read it again  and remember where it left off and where to branch off from there<3..


Hello!!, I don’t know if anyone will see my new book since wattpad is getting a little old and no one’s really on it but, I’ve released an book called Travis’s story, I suggest you go read it have some big plans for it and try to make new chapters almost every day<3