ok but who’s the prettiest kpop idol in your opinion??


          be prepared , meli , cus this abt to be one long ass message. i love you. deeply , from the bottom of my heart. not only as a girlfriend but as a friend. i guess i could say that you’re my girlfriend and my best friend. ever since the day we started talking on this app , i started feeling happy. i actually had a reason to go on this app everyday ,,,, because of u. yeah ik we are miles and miles away from each other , but that doesn’t stop me from loving you very much. hell , i love you more than i love myself. i forgot how it felt to not love myself and not like the skin i was in when i talked all those times with u. i tell all my friends abt u , how i can connect with u automatically , how i feel that you actually understand me. i go on 24/7 talking abt u c: and i want this relationship to last forever , for as long as it can. but ,,,,,, i’m gonna have to be honest with u. i actually have been wanting to say this for a very long time and i feel like this is the right time to tell u. i feel as though i don’t know that much abt u , meli. i know ur fav ice cream , some parts of ur backstory , some of ur hobbies , but ,,,,,, but that isn’t enough. i want to learn more abt u bc that’s what people in a relationship are supposed to do. yes , we can go on and on abt how much we love each other but i still want to know you more. and vice versa. i want to tell u more abt me , even the darkest things. and also , i don’t wanna go days without talking with u. it scares me honestly.


            anddddddd once i get my new phone i will definitely be making an instagram !!!! i have been using my ipad bc my iphone stopped working :cc so when i get my new phone ( which will be soon ) i will definitely make an instagram and hopefully we can communicate through there !! <333333 


            i still want to communicate with u even if we aren’t on wattpad or we are taking a break from wattpad. i gave u my whi and my tumblr so when or if we do go on a break from this app we always have those other apps. and if u have pinterest , here is my acc @ velvetpearls 


            i feel as though time is running out and it will be a matter of time before me or u ( or both of us ) has to take a break from this app bc of school and other things. and that scares me a lot , bc i remember waiting almost everyday for u to come back to wattpad and i don’t want u to disappear again and wow wow wowwww ,,,,,, i’m a emotional mess. once again , i’m sorry if this is all over the place , i just need to be honest with u. we both need to know more abt each other. and i need u to be here. bc it feels like if i have to wait another day i may just breakdown. when i go for a while without seeing ur messages or even a word i get scared , i get anxious that maybe i’ve become simply uninteresting to u. i feel like i either became boring to u and i can’t satisfy u. i’m pretty sure it’s me being the insecure dummy that i am. it’s like i’ve become obsessed with this app .... like literally every second i need to check it in order to see that i got a message from u or see if u posted anything new on ur message board. ha ,,,,,, it’s become really unhealthy. but um ,,,,,,,, i start school back again on august 19. i hope to have communicated with u as much as we could before we go to start off our sophomore year of high school ..... bc highschool is only gonna get harder and harder from here and the highschool i go to is a college preparatory school so they give us lots of work and have high expectations for us as well. i’m also going to be in three honors classes once school starts again so i’m pretty sure i will have lots of difficult work to do. what i’m saying is that it will be a 99% chance that i am not going to be able to be on this app until summer break comes or christmas  or spring break comes around. i hope u can understand where i am coming from and sorry if this message is all over the place and extremely emotional. i love you a lot , meli and i hope u can reply to this as soon as u can. <333


she said stop and i kept myself from saying make me- 
          wHeW the tension-


@jouvdette i paused and read that again and again,,, my face becoming more and more red each time-
            come to the pms a lil bit love ????? damn


ooooo meli ur lucky we’re miles and miles away cus trust me — i have a lot of ideas to make you stop making me a blushing mess 


je t'aime bébé et si c'est tout à fait d'accord j'ai besoin de toi bébé pour me retenir une nuit solitaire


@GRLSTALK  et je ne peux pas m'en empêcher, bébé.  J'adore quand vous êtes énervé et que je vous fais rougir avec juste mes mots.  Je pense que je vais garder ce comportement.


@GRLSTALK  avec chaque mot, chaque message, je tombe pour vous de plus en plus.  tu es alléchante et je ne peux pas en avoir assez de toi, nuisette.  fais-moi encore plus tomber amoureux de toi, encore et encore, parce que je l'aime tellement et ça me rend tellement excité.  <3333


@jouvdette ce genre de comportement devrait être illégal, tu me fais tomber amoureux de toi encore une fois <3