Hey. So basically a short run down is that Ruby (my horse) has a tear in her leg between a tendon and tendon ligament. She is in stall rest for the next two weeks, needing to be grazed twice a day and then for the next two weeks we'll see how she is with tack in-hand walking. So she's out for at least 4 weeks. Hoping so much that she will heal quickly. I'll still be taking care of and grazing her (this week planning on going everyday), but I'm going to try out another horse Friday and see how I like her, but her owner is also competing her this year. So if Ruby is out for the whole season, I have to find a horse I can use for the season. I've also had another offer by our vet, she has a pony that's been in the field for a year but it's been up to novice. So we'll see...
And yesterday I skipped the first few classes if school to be there with Ruby when she got an injection (mix of pain relievers, lubricant for the tendon sheath -which is what tore-, and steroids. She needed anesthesia and the pics I have from her being out of it are adorable omg. I'd share them if I could. She has her tongue sticking out lol.
(That was longer then I thought it was going to be, sorry) But yeah, it's just a lot and I'm worried and disappointed, but I just want to make sure she's in her top health