
Sorry for the sudden absence. I was a little busy. The next chapter is almost finished and hopefully, I can catch up with my lateness and have three chapters out this week. I'll try anyway.


Bonjour. C'est à moi de te remercier. T'es un ange.
          	  Pour Serpent, j'ai vraiment pas d'idées dessus, surtout que je suis plus penchée sur "Seyran" et "Conflicted Feelings" mais j'essaierais d'y penser de temps en temps.


@G_Adeline Bonjour Adeline, je te remercie pour ton message. Et ne soit pas désolée pour nous . Tu as tes raisons et aussi une vie privé.  Pour moi c'est normal, j espère que tu feras une suite sur ton oeuvre le serpent. Sinon courage  pour la suite de tes oeuvres. Et te fais absolument confiance pour la suite de ces chapitres. Je vous que l inspiration pour ta fic le Serpent est pas au rendez-vous, je suppose que tu as du mal pour trouver une suite. Sinon a bien vite. 
          	  dauph25 qui apprécie tes écrits  et qui admire.


Hope you can finish Villainess darkside side stories moreover satisfy my curiosity about the things I ask in my previous comment..
          I really want ML to dream about FL's previous life and want to see how that oriFL oriML were so far, did they realize their mistake or like as always push all the blames to FL for no reason...
          This story have so many potential...
          I really wanna write Villainess darkside side stories as I have imagine however I can only imagine and can't express it in words so all I can do is summarize it without writing it into long detailed text...


I like "Villainess dark side" we got to see villainess POV... 
          After I read this I suddenly started to question those transmigration stories where all we got to see is modern FL's POV and how the ML fall for her and other ML candidates too... But ML's fiance candidate or fiance become villainess in those stories
          I hope you can finish side stories coz I have been waiting for years to read them ...  Please let us know what happened to the original FL ML of this story (Prince and his prince consort) like did they realise their mistake or as always blame MuRong An for everything....
          I hope you can make a side story where ML dream about FL's past life and her family ending too... Like how she lived after oriML oriFL send her to enemy kingdom and how her so called husband treated her and humiliate her and how she died after suffering so much ..
          Please make my wish come true 


Bonjour @G_Adeline je suis heureuse que tu es repris l'écriture. J'aurais pensé que tu aurais continué ta fiction "Serpent" j'espère qu'il y aura une suite. C'est une histoire que j'aime beaucoup et hâte de savoir comment Sasuke va connaître que jusqu'à maintenant la jeune femme qu'il aime la trompée avec son meilleur ami Naruto. J'espère que tu n'as pas abandonné cette histoire ?  Sinon, dommage pour moi. Je te souhaite du courage pour la suite Insha'Allah (si Dieu le veut) et bonne continuation pour tes autres histoires !


@G_Adeline je te remercie beaucoup. Je suppose que tu as un planning assez chargé. Je suis une personne patiente donc j'attendrai. Merci encore de m'avoir répondu, prends bien soin de toi Insha'Allah (si Dieu le veut) bonne nuit à toi et ta famille!


@dauph25 Bonjour, merci énormément. Ça me fait plaisir de savoir que tu es encore là. Je vais voir dans quel mesure intégrer "Serpent" dans mon planning d'écriture.


The villainess dark side was AMAZING!! It's the first story I've read about reincarnation that had something new ,it made me to undergo a Rollercoaster of emotions.Thats so brilliant of you and to think you craeted it in a day! You have my respect....though I wanted the epilogue on the general's p.o.v when he slept with her the first time


@xanxiety87765 Thank you, although the whole plot was thought of in a day, I didn't really write it in one seating.


To all my fellow readers and lovers of The Villainess Dark Side, I just wanna share what I've found, it's Ru Shan Yong's POV and the epilogue about their children. Please click the link on Author's Profile and it will bring you to their page, from there, just search for the epilogues. Skl.. Welcome