
HeLlO i HaVe ReTuRnEd!!! WhAt WoUlD yOu LiKe To SeE mE wRiTe AbOuT?


HeLlO, mY nAmE iS dR. w.D. gAsTeR, i HeArD yOu "FoLlOwErS" wOuLd LiKe To AsK aBoUt My ReSeArCh, WeLl AsK aWay.... 


@GaStEr123 well uh... dR gAsTeR sir, I'm not here to ask about your research. Rather I was wondering if I could make a request. Sir. So I was wondering if you could create a Dante(which is me) x Doggo. And uh... If you get this I'm going to tell you I'm a bit of a uh.. Kind of guy who I a bit of a yaoi furry so could you make a fan fiction of me and Doggo please? I would enjoy it so much