
To a future me, 
          	Finish writing at least one story please. Also quit being lazy.
          	                       A past me.


It is my belief that our creations were meant surpass us. If the gods did indeed create us does that mean we are somehow superior to them. Maybe it's an endless cycle. God hates immortality, God makes mortals, mortals hate mortality, overtime mortals evolve into godhood, than they find immortality is hell than make mortals that live short lives and the cycle goes on.
          Why am I rambling? Don't know, don't care.


This is a conversation? To who me?


@GaardAkzaar yes you poor lonely scp


@GaardAkzaar and you wonder why people think your crazy.


@GaardAkzaar yes of course it is


The four newest stories I have out are probably going to be running indefinitely unless I feel it's time for their end and maybe the beginning of sequels or prequels. Also new chapter releases will be extremely irregular depending on my mood.


Working on like seven different stories when I feel up to it, if I wasn't so lazy they'd be done by now or close to it.
          Anyways I now have two stories up for reading the others will come out after bit of editing, that way I can release lots of chapters at once instead of once every month or so.....the zombie one I'm doing is purely for fun so if there are mistakes it's because those chapters will be released right after I make it and do a onceover.