i just realized that i haven't been in here since late last year…woah! so update (more for myself than any of you) but i'm not dead i've just been stressed lately and took a break, school has me hating anything to do with reading atm but no worries! i'll be back on my game soon ;)
i just realized that i haven't been in here since late last year…woah! so update (more for myself than any of you) but i'm not dead i've just been stressed lately and took a break, school has me hating anything to do with reading atm but no worries! i'll be back on my game soon ;)
Hey there, Gabi_Weston! I was just wondering if you'd mind reading my new story called, "Have Hope, Hailey"? It'd mean the world to me if you did. If you don't read it, thank you anyways! :) <3 Ps. Follow back?
I know I'm a teeny bit late but
It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy (I should see a doctor about that...) that over 100 people looked at my deep book or read one of my stupid comments and thought, "She's cooler than Elsa, I'll follower her,"
I've been a little down lately because life is grabbing my feet and dragging me into the awkward moments of my past and seeing that I've managed to make over 100 of you laughter or smile or simply snort is just amazing! Just... Thank you. (≧∇≦)