Readers: "MWO, MWO, MWO, MWO, MWO."
"The chants from the readers continue, then finally the writer walks out."
MWO: " Settle down folks."
"Waves hands and the chants stop."
MWO: "You see there is one point in a monkeys life when you have to think, and I thought, and thought, and thought some more, and the thinking continued."
"Reader raises his hand."
MWO: "Yes, do you have a question."
Reader: "Are you going to continue writing the Loona X Male reader."
MWO: "At this point I really don't know, it's unfair cause the mood that I had writing the story disappeared, the feeling was gone, and I completely forgot about writing it, so the truth lies in what's too come, and what will come, further into the year only time will tell weather you get your story or not, maybe you will, maybe you won't, as I can only say that time will tell."
"The room full of readers, clap there hand's at the announcement, some would shout, some would cry, some felt disappointed, some we're happy, but in the eyes of the reader, he sees people, wanting there story, and the writer walks behind stage, with a smile on his face."