
Good afternoon (or good morning) to all of y'all on Wattpad.
          	We are going through some of the most difficult times in the United States due to facing a global pandemic and the unrest caused by the deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and the countless other black lives that are threatened and taken by police brutality and systemic racism every year.
          	We are at a breaking point and as a human being, I do not see this as a political issue but as a human rights issue. We all deserve to be treated equally under the law and for this to happen, black lives must matter for all lives to matter equally. I will link down below information about how we as a platform can make black lives matter. 
          	I know I have no where near a huge or even medium-sized following, but I hope we can all agree that sharing information with anyone and everyone is the most important thing to do to show our support. 
          	Thank you to all those abroad who are also brining light to the issues black people face around the world. I love this platform and agree wholeheartedly with the statement released several days ago. I will link it here: 
          	Spread love, not hate. Have a great weekend and stay safe <3 


Good afternoon (or good morning) to all of y'all on Wattpad.
          We are going through some of the most difficult times in the United States due to facing a global pandemic and the unrest caused by the deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and the countless other black lives that are threatened and taken by police brutality and systemic racism every year.
          We are at a breaking point and as a human being, I do not see this as a political issue but as a human rights issue. We all deserve to be treated equally under the law and for this to happen, black lives must matter for all lives to matter equally. I will link down below information about how we as a platform can make black lives matter. 

          I know I have no where near a huge or even medium-sized following, but I hope we can all agree that sharing information with anyone and everyone is the most important thing to do to show our support. 
          Thank you to all those abroad who are also brining light to the issues black people face around the world. I love this platform and agree wholeheartedly with the statement released several days ago. I will link it here: 

          Spread love, not hate. Have a great weekend and stay safe <3 


Good afternoon (or good morning)!
          I am glad to give you the monthly update of Where Dreams Go to Rest on time. I promise to deliver chapter 4 by Monday, June 1st. I have already started working on it and it's gonna be juicy! 
          I am also working on another dark fantasy epic that will be coming out at some point in the coming months. The map and cover art are being drafted as we speak + enough chapters for me to have a consistent uploading schedule. 
          I know in my initial Author's Note, I said I would not be doing additional trigger warnings for each chapter but I have since changed my mind. I recently read something that quite truly left me incredibly affected and it made me change my mind on this topic. I understand that they provide spoilers but help a lot with those who get easily affected or who aren't necessarily interested in reading something graphic/disturbing but would still like to read the rest of the narrative. I will be going back at some point this week to edit all my chapters + author's note to explain what triggering/mature content will be included. 
          Again, thank you to anyone who has enjoyed reading Where Dreams Go to Rest. Please feel free to follow, vote, or comment. If you'd like to see my fashion look book, check me out on Instagram @sickesthreads
          Have a blessed weekend!


Good afternoon (or good morning) to anyone who has read Where Dreams Go to Rest. 
          I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read my work in progress! I will provide an update on the first of every month. I'd rather provide a consistent update than sporadic updates. So the next update will be on Friday, May 1st.
          I went through chronic writer's block this winter + had applications to work on for law school but will be dedicating a lot of my time to writing from now on. I am also working on another book and hope to have a similar writing/update schedule for this work as well.
          I hope all of you are safe as we #readtogether and stay at home. Many blessings to our first responders and health care professionals who are on the frontlines while we simply have to self-isolate. Thank you for your service.
          Finally, I'd like to give one more shoutout to Sevta who made my amazing cover art. Thank you so much! I can't wait to work with you on future projects. Please, feel free to follow her on instagram @lalaart14