
Next book has been delayed due to personal reasons. Sorry guys <3


To anyone curious as to what some of the characters may look like:
          Amy: Anne Catherine
          Clare: Elle Fanning (with brown eyes)
          Hunter, Jakob, and Phoenix do not currently have matches. If any of you have ideas for people that might work for them please comment below or message me. These are only suggestions and not necessarily how the characters should look, this is just if you want a visual for them.


Ok Gabby? look up on google images "Amanda Steele no makeup" and the 4th picture is how Clare should look like, yeah? Just a suggestion


@thepackqueen that's about correct however she's slightly more tan (being from miami and all) and has brown eyes. Her hair is also a bit curlier (as seen on the cover)  :)


Updates for Fandomonium:
          • At least one update a week if not more
          • We are currently on week 7 out of (approximately) 40
          • Everything is going to move a lot more quickly as we are about to reach our first major turning point
          • The story may jump five weeks ahead at any given time because, let's face it, there's only so much we want to know about classes 
          • Don't forget, Clare is a student too and has boring days. Nobody wants to hear about her doing french homework
          • Pay attention to character development especially in Clare and Hunter (but mostly Clare as she is out protagonist) 
           If at any time you want to give me a suggestion for the plot of a story or if there's something you really want to see happen, I'd be happy to take it into consideration. Feel free to message me or comment at any time. 
          Remember to comment and vote, I love you all and have a wonderful week. 
          Later, lovelies <3


Hey guys I'm going to try and post sometime in the next few days but I've been procrastinating. Anyway there will be a new character introduced in the next couple chapters and some new themes so I'm trying to explain that and everything. Later, Lovelies :)