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          	New book


Sabe o que eu nunca me apaixonei de verdade...nem tive alguma aventura extraordinária na minha vida.As "paixões" que eu tive eram ireais só era uma ilusão da minha mente.
          You know what I realized ... I never really fell in love ... nor did I have any extraordinary adventure in my life. The "passions" I had were just an illusion of my mind

Gabyyh_ amor complicado que as vezes é considerado errado e impossível,eu estou experimentando ele[...]...Estou pensando em escrever um livro novo o que acham?
          obs:mandem as respostas em português
          You know ... a complicated love that is sometimes considered wrong and impossible, I am experiencing it [...] ... I am thinking of writing a new book what do you think?
          Obs: Send the answers in Portuguese
          אתה יודע ... אהבה מסובכת שלפעמים נחשב שגוי ובלתי אפשרי, אני חווה את זה [...] ... אני חושב על כתיבת ספר חדש מה אתה חושב?
          הערה: לשלוח את התשובות בפורטוגזית
          你知道...一个复杂的爱情,有时被认为是错误的,是不可能的,我遇到它[...] ...我想写一本新书,你觉得呢?

