
Quickly, have you ever had a ship which you didn't ship but you understood why people shipped it and still respected it but then you start shipping something which is more likely to be canon but then you see it's getting a bunch of hate from those shippers of the ship you didn't ship and then you loose all respect for that ship because of that's ship's fandom


Quickly, have you ever had a ship which you didn't ship but you understood why people shipped it and still respected it but then you start shipping something which is more likely to be canon but then you see it's getting a bunch of hate from those shippers of the ship you didn't ship and then you loose all respect for that ship because of that's ship's fandom


My ex's gf texted me asking why I was talking bad stuff about her and my ex and why I like her. I don't like her, I hate her guts, now my friend got a similar text (about talking bad stuff about them) now this is all false but I sent ss to my friend who got similar texts, then my ex texted me and said to stay away from her gf, also my ex's gf said that she knows I like both of them and I was like "girl saying that makes me think you like me" she then called me earlier, so I asked if she had looked in the mirror, then then said when I look at a mirror it smashes so I sent a picture of an uno reserve card and blocked both of them and now I have a gc for taking bad stuff about them because if they think we're doing that then why not actually do it


@Gachx_hope Autocorrect made some mistakes so when it says "she them called me earlier" it's suppose to say ugly and where it say then twice the second then is suppose to say she


My mum is still forcing me to stay home and now there's drama in my friend group, my ex and her gf texted one of my friends lying saying Mr and my bestie told them she was talking rude things about them, now this is not true and my friend sent ss for proof, I sent the ss to my ex and her gf and asked when I told them this and it was all fake, they're currently in school so I don't expect a response soon but I'll keep you updated


this message may be offensive
My mum is forcing me to stay home because I'm sick and she said I'm a pale as a ghost, I'm white as fuck so I don't know how she could tell, I looked in my mirror and was like, I look fine, anyways goodbye to my 100% attendance, screw you mum 


          So I went to my besties house this morning like always then we went to school I wanted to show him something on my phone and while I was pulling it up I tripped (you can see where this is going) I wasn't that fussed but then I saw my phone, screen facing the floor, I picked it up and it was cracked badly, the screen had like one crack which went diagonal from one side to the other and only the top half cracked I've had this phone for nearly 4 years (4 years on Christmas) and now it's cracked and I'm currently writing this on that very phone so sorry for any typos I can't see the screen properly, anyways bye 


Random story time
          I was looking through a box of fidgets at my dad's and I found a Lloyd minifig doing some searching online I learnt it was from the oni titain from ninjago hunted but I never had a Lloyd minifig I've started collecting ninjago sets but I haven't gotten Lloyd yet and even if one of my siblings did how did it get to my dad's like this doesn't make sense