
currently annotating my Jekyll and Hyde book 


Hello! Would you mind checking out my Hermione fanfic, please? It’s called in the name of love 


@Lqagranger of course my dear, i'm always on the look out for hermione books cause there's so few! <3


@ Gae_Bitxh  thanks, I hope you like it!


hey reader,
          I am glad that you have found me here... pls check the fanfic that I am currently working on... it would mean a lot to me!
          In a world where dreams blur the lines between reality and fantasy, Jane finds herself plagued by visions of a past she thought she'd left behind. As she navigates these mysterious dreams, she discovers that Regulus Black, believed to be dead, is alive and harbouring secrets. Together, they embark on a journey filled with hidden dangers and dark revelations. Meanwhile, Jane is determined to protect her nephew, Harry, from unforeseen peril. Join Jane as she unravels the mysteries of her dreams and faces the unknown to safeguard Harry's future.
 =android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing &wp_page=create&wp_uname=siriusly_potterhead


@siriusly_potterhead || i will 100% check out this fanfic!! it sounds so unique with the description :).


kinda debating on taking up writing. or maybe just posting any exam questions i answer so i can get feed back that isn't from my teacher. what do y'all think?


@newnumpty i think i might do the essay/exam questions, cause i think it'd be helpful to some people!


I’d say go for it. It would be cool to add what your teacher had to say as well, so like everybody can learn


soo, over the past week i got a fever, which turned into tonsillitis, i got meds for it, turns out I'm allergic to something (penicillin) almost had to go a&e cause my throat and tongue were all puffy. i took an antihistamine and now I'm all good *thumbs up* I've got school tomorrow too. i did miss a week cause i was dying