
3  ArtStation Requests 
          Bingo Rolly Keia Lollie Auggie Mo Leo Buster Nougat and Roxy's (Puppy Dog Pals) Bathtime Sleep make sure they are naked and their mission collars and Lollie's WheelChair Are in the pile of clothes and the background is grey 
          Bella and Nico's (Cocomelon) Bathtime Sleep Make sure they are naked and Bella's glasses and bows are in the pile of clothes and the background is black 
          The Super Readers' (Super Why!) Bathtime Sleep make sure they are naked and Super Why's Mask, Alpha Pig's hat and goggles, Wonder Red's Helmet, Princess Presto's tiara and Woofster's cape and collar are in the pile of clothes and the background is Fucshia