I have a very devastating announcement, I'm canceling Gertrude and the Turtles. As most of my actual friends know, I created this book as a joke, and never intended on making more than 1 chapter. Now, I know this may be a devastating blow all of my fans were not expecting, but trust me... It's better this way. I'm very sorry to all of the fans I don't have, because I just got a Wattpad to read my friends stories, I'm not about that writing life. So basically this entire thing that I'm writing is a joke, I'm just doing all of this because it's fun. So, I'll be very surprised if you're still reading this, because at this point I'm probably saying random stuff, and my thumbs are starting to stiffen from typing this pointless notification that I hope you stopped reading 8 lines ago, so that's all for now fans I think I have, until next time