
Okay I lied, I still can't write. But I'm planning a book that I'm going to release as soon as I've decided on the full plot. The characters are really cute, and it's going to emotionally sledgehammer everyone. I'll probably start writing in June-Augustish. Until then, I'll try to keep updating His Heart Is Mine, but as I had no plot for that in the first place, it probably won't get done. I may take it down after saving the chapters and re-upload it after finishing it offline. Until then, it'll be utter silence from this little account that's lost lots of followers wow.


Okay I lied, I still can't write. But I'm planning a book that I'm going to release as soon as I've decided on the full plot. The characters are really cute, and it's going to emotionally sledgehammer everyone. I'll probably start writing in June-Augustish. Until then, I'll try to keep updating His Heart Is Mine, but as I had no plot for that in the first place, it probably won't get done. I may take it down after saving the chapters and re-upload it after finishing it offline. Until then, it'll be utter silence from this little account that's lost lots of followers wow.


Hello beautiful creatures, it's me again. I've been struggling with various stuff and should probably start posting again soon. I have an idea for a book, which is exciting, and I'm currently planning and scheming away as I come up with ideas to make people cry. ❤️ But yes, I am alive. And I'm going to restart my account properly this time. 


Hello my lovely angel faces. I've had freaking AWFUL writer's block, but the new chapters of His Heart Is Mine and Be Careful, I Bruise Easily will both be up by Tuesday latest. Possibly this Thursday if I'm not lazy. Thanks for being patient turnips! You all deserve nice, generous helpings of my stupid ass brain tissue.


Thank you for getting His Heart is Mine to 1,000 Reads, gaise! That's (not a massive amount) amazing, and I'm super grateful. Keep being turnips and getting more people to follow and read my stuff, because it's all shi-... shibbitee doo daa hey mother.