You have been in business studies? Are you familiar with Von Mises work in economics then? I prefer his work to Keynes, though there are collections of letters between the two of them which I would like to see compiled in book form someday. It is hard to imagine that happening; their respective disciples are constantly at odds. Those with custody of the correspondence of their chosen leaders are unlikely to cooperate in a joint venture. I also found the trilogy on 'Law Legislation and Liberty' by Hayek very interesting. Development as Freedom __ by Amartya Sen gives an interesting perspective on economic development in third world countries (and elsewhere). Most view it as an issue of simply allocating resources appropriately. It can also be an issue of who chooses: the 'leaders' or the people whose lives are affected by the choices made. What criteria are used to judge what is most important? How important is it for the public to be involved in such choices, and why? Reinventing the Bazaar __ By John McMillan was a fun read. ....What non-fiction authors have you found of interest?