
Hi everyone! Happy pride month! So while I don't have a new chapter on TA ready for you today (I'm sorry >.<) I do have the new version of Timeless Bond. If you were a fan of that originally, please give me your thoughts! I'd love to hear some feed back. I'm feeling strong about the new version. 


@GalacticGroovin Take your time on TA the quality of it is amazing!! (I just read it all and wow it's great) I hope your doing well


Hi everyone! Happy pride month! So while I don't have a new chapter on TA ready for you today (I'm sorry >.<) I do have the new version of Timeless Bond. If you were a fan of that originally, please give me your thoughts! I'd love to hear some feed back. I'm feeling strong about the new version. 


@GalacticGroovin Take your time on TA the quality of it is amazing!! (I just read it all and wow it's great) I hope your doing well


Little tiny update. I haven’t been consistently writing as of late. I do like 90% of my writing on phone. And I was unable to do that effectively as my old phone couldn’t hold a charge and would hardly charge even when plugged. But now I’ve got a new one that works great and hold a charge. So I’ll update all that I’m working on. First up, TA of course, then there is the TB rewrite which is coming along great. But I also have a third. I would kind of like some thoughts. The third one is not Killugon. It’s actually a PitouKite. All I’ll say currently is it’s set in Cyberpunk. It’s gonna be a little different. But I hope yall might enjoy it too.


@GalacticGroovin well I mean pitoukite is definitely NOT my thing but doesn't mean other people won't like it! I hope that goes greatly 


@GalacticGroovin I’ll always be around ^_^


@Sup-Love thank you! I always see you around I love when people come back around :3


I remain baffled people read and enjoy my first work. I can’t even read it myself anymore. It’s not that I hate it, but it’s the fact it’s so…flawed. Granted it was the first time I properly wrote something. But hey, if people are happy with it, I must have done something right I suppose.


Words can’t really describe the slog it has been to write chapter 41 for TA. It hasn’t been a slog in a bad way but because of my on and off writing, I was struggling to capture that proper tone. But I think I finally have it. The more I think on it, there’s plenty I would change if I was to have started TA now than a few years ago. Ah well, I’m rewriting TB. Don’t think I’ll give this the same treatment. Hopefully, the next chapter won’t take me as long. Once it’s ready, 41 will be out. 


@GalacticGroovin sweet! So excited to see what's to come. Don't forget to take your time, what's important is for you to do things the way you want them to be done. Nobody cares about delays 


@ GalacticGroovin  wah! Thanks for the update! @Sup-Love took the words right out of my mouth, I very much hope no one is pressuring you, especially yourself, we'll be here in 6 years if that's when the next chapter comes out! I love TA so much, your writing is awesome, so I know whatever you write will be like a treat for us readers. ♡♡♡


@Sup-Love I’m glad you enjoy them so much! Writing is certainly something I love and want to improve on so that it will be enjoyed by others. I worry about the quality of my writing (which I personally feel has declined a little with TA) but that’s also because I’ve been writing it so long and my style has changed since I started. But I’ll do a little thing at the end of this current chapter where I explain in more depth


I may not have anything ready, but I wish you all a happy new year! Here’s hoping I post more frequently. *If my writing will actually reach the standards I’m looking for*


@ GalacticGroovin  happy new year!! 


@GalacticGroovin that's alright take your time, it's not like you have a deadline to reach we all have time. Have a great 2024!


I don’t have an update for TA at this time, but I do have one for the new writing for Timeless Bond. 
          9473 words for the new draft of Timeless Bond. That is spanning what I’ve planned out 3 chapters.
          9770 words for the original story before the rewrite for TB. Taking about 7 chapters to reach that point. 
          I’m hoping the pacing, detailing, and other things will feel better this time around. More fleshed out. 


Day 699 of waiting for the next part of tilted axis!!
          my body has been deteriorating...My eyes are falling out..My skin is shedding copious amounts...And I have started to gnaw on wood bark at 10:30 every night(I don't control it,I can't.)....


@Mxtchiwastaken PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME❗❗(ILY )


It hasn’t been that loooong ;-; I’m writing too many things at once (aside from school and work) I’m really trying to ensure I deliver the best I can for that story as I do all my works 


Good Morning, Afternoon, And evening everyone! I have now (albeit delayed) unpublished Timeless Bond. It will return with its altered iteration at a later date. Not much else to report on as it’s the usual stuff with writing what I have been. Sometimes I wish the process was faster but nothing can be done about that, can it? We will see what happens as I finish up this current semester, as come spring, I will be at a new college. 


@GalacticGroovin good luck with that! And it's fine, we understand that things take time. We can wait!


@GalacticGroovin ooohh good luck at your new school <333