
Hey is me Gala, did ya miss me?
          	I just wanted to say I've returned and I'm proud to say with a passion of mine I'll be posting an all Original Work know as Revitalize, with a cast of characters you'll either grow to love or hate upon through coming chapters. It was a few day in the making for the first chapter, reworks and other ideas have come to mind and I'm proud of what has been made so far, it just may be the first chapters but I'm happy to be working on Revitalize now as I can feel free with my writings with no restrictions unlike Paralyzed (Aka featuring Myct creators with boundaries and etc.) Revitalize is all Original work featuring Ocs (Original Characters) as its main focus, new and perhaps some familiar faces (:
          	I know it won't do well unlike other series I had, but for me I'm happy with Revitalize so far and I wanted to get back into writing as it's also another passion of my besides art, so if you like and wanna check it out, Revitalize will be publishing it's very first chapter as of today. If you wanna take a look and read it feel free too.
          	And last thing I wanna say is Thank you for the Support and sticking around for so long even during this long hiatus, that's all and take care -Gala


Hey I have re-read Paralyzed for a good amount of times (3 I think?) And is Dream a bottom or a switch cause I kinda get switch vibes ngl.


@DSMP_fanXD I love the book btw it's absolutely amazing the storyline is practically so amazing its like u don't know what to expect but at the same time you know it's going somewhere interesting <3


@DSMP_fanXD Ah ok and I like the idea that we can choose or imagine bc the ending where he say "Pary Dear *blah blah(I forgot)" technically it doesn't matter if he's top or bottom to say that soo yea :>


@DSMP_fanXD oh to wake me from my deep slumber, I'm surprised people keep coming back to read Paralyzed and it's sequel. To confirm or deny the question, I like to say it's up to the readers interpretation if Dream is a Switch, Bottom, or even Top.
            And oh my goodness! 3 times, God danm XD


Hey! Just wonderin, is Paralyzed finished or a work in progress?


Ahhhh oky tysm :)


@justawriterdotcom Paralyzed is finished (the first book that is), but there is a sequel known as Paralyzed: Dimensional War which is still a work in progress which I'm just getting back into writing after a 5 month hiatus lol. So the 'Paralyzed' series is still kinda a work in progress as a whole.


Hey is me Gala, did ya miss me?
          I just wanted to say I've returned and I'm proud to say with a passion of mine I'll be posting an all Original Work know as Revitalize, with a cast of characters you'll either grow to love or hate upon through coming chapters. It was a few day in the making for the first chapter, reworks and other ideas have come to mind and I'm proud of what has been made so far, it just may be the first chapters but I'm happy to be working on Revitalize now as I can feel free with my writings with no restrictions unlike Paralyzed (Aka featuring Myct creators with boundaries and etc.) Revitalize is all Original work featuring Ocs (Original Characters) as its main focus, new and perhaps some familiar faces (:
          I know it won't do well unlike other series I had, but for me I'm happy with Revitalize so far and I wanted to get back into writing as it's also another passion of my besides art, so if you like and wanna check it out, Revitalize will be publishing it's very first chapter as of today. If you wanna take a look and read it feel free too.
          And last thing I wanna say is Thank you for the Support and sticking around for so long even during this long hiatus, that's all and take care -Gala


Been a long time since I last spoke. Life and work along with other thing are at play, Paralyzed has been set on a very long hiatus and my own burn out for the books entirely hence the long wait for new chapters to come out.
          What does the future hold? I'm not sure anymore and it's hard to tell what the future wants with me. I just know the Paralyzed series has come to fall into a deep slumber till it is reawakened.
          For me? Gala. I have lost interest in the MCYT (Minecraft Youtuber) fandom due to toxicity and hatred that boils with in, I no longer get enjoyment out of making fanart of youtubers like Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, etc. . . It used to be a place of nostalgia and comfort to me that reminded me of old times, but now it's nothing more then a cold painful feeling I get every time I see something about the new age of Mcyt's as all journey from me is sucked out and leaves me feeling dead. I'm sorry, it's how I feel about everything now.
          What will happen to Paralysis, Whisperer,  and the Gang? I don't know, I'm not sure of where to put them. They brought me joy before but I really do not wish to have them associated with the MCYT fandom anymore. The Latchers and gang will find a new place to call home and there world, someday, someday in the future they will as for now they rest in the files of other characters and Ocs I've created.
          This has been an update, a not so good or happy one but I needed to say something about my absence, I'm sorry it had to be this way. Thank you for your continued support. This has been Galactic_Stories707 signing off.
          Someday, I'll return to where I was, but till now I lay dorment till further notice.
          Thank you for this journey, Friends


@Galactic_Stories707 I understand, had to shut my old account on because of it. Thank you so much for the incredible stories. I hope you find somthing you like just as much. Please take care of yourself. Again thank you for everything you have given your readers!


@ Galactic_Stories707  I don't like the toxicity either, I returned to my old account since im tired of writing mcyt. Maybe its good for you if you begin with a fresh start too?


@Galactic_Stories707 thanks for the great stories and hope to see more when you are awoken from dormancy!


Beep boop! It's been awhile since I've last posted anything here, I hope you're all doing well. Also sorry for the lack of Paralyzed updates as you can see it hasn't been updating as it usually does, I do apologize for that, but my irl life has been all over the place plus the need to take breaks because mental health is important. I just wanna say I appreciate all of you and your guy's support, you give me the chance to do what I love and I can't thank you enough for it. Thank you for sticking around during the progress of Paralyzed, may more chapters come soon.


@Galactic_Stories707 I am glad you are taking a break for your mental health! Seriously take as much time as you need. We can wait. Hope you are doing better, or will be doing better soon!


@ Galactic_Stories707  yay


Dear Readers/Followers, Today marks the one year anniversary of Paralyzed. I would like to thank all of you for sticking with me throughout this journey and creation of this book, without you guys none of this would of happened. I just wanna thank you for all the support you have given me and keeping me motivated to continuing this chaotic story known as Paralyzed.  Without you guys, we wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be here, this little community wouldn't be here. But here we are and I can't stop thanking you guys enough. I Love You All and Thank You so much for giving me this opportunity to share my work and creativity with you guys, Sincerely Gala


@Galactic_Stories707 Happy 1 year anniversary :>


Haven't made one if these in a while so here we go with a question of the day.
          ● Out of all the characters (Good or Evil) in Paralyzed and Paralyzed: Dimensional War who would be your top 10 or top 5? and why are they your favorites?
          If you have questions or thoughts about other characters and or other youtubers to come to the Paralyzed series, leave them below, but all I can say is I do have a few youtubers in mind to bring to the series in the future of Paralyzed. I cannot confirm or deny who will be added next into the story and I can't say what they'll be in the book (human, experiment, or latcher) as It'll ruin the surprise when the person does show up (:


            yeah, paralysis clinging to dream does make more sense 
            I agree with you as well on the boundary part


@AmberLynn189  I have to agree with you 100% now that you've pointed these out (and now I've noticed this too), for Dream I do see how he was much more approachable and independent In the first book while over time he seems to change to cling to Paralysis, but to say to this is more of Paralysis being clinging and overprotective of Dream as he is his vessel/mate. it's not Dream that is clingy, it's Paralysis (mostly).  Paralysis doesn't like people and clings to Dream for that sense of security and protection, but when people do try to approach Dream it's like if there entering Paralysis' safety and he gets hostile and gets in the way of them and Dream (Paralysis being overprotective plus his own worries of if Dream is gonna get hurt). It was noticable in Witches get Stitches and how the witches had captured and got close to Dream and were "entering Pary's safety" Paralysis got hostile and attacked the witches (even though Dream couldn't do much in that chapter since he was drugged with something, if he wasn't he would have killed the witches himself)
            With all of said this can end up as a conversation both Dream and Paralysis have with each other, like setting up some rules(or boundaries of sorts) between the two of them since they really haven't set that type of thing up nor have they ever had that conversation. And if that's done we can see Dream shine like he did in the first book before Paralysis appeared (in physical form and not just a voice in Dream's head). So yeah with all that and holy, did you go into details with why they where your favorites. Love the details and your views on the characters.


Anyways, this is my top 5 for paralyzed
            (No offense on the dream one tho, I know it had to be done since you had to put focus on other characters as well, I just wanted to state my honest opinion)


just sayingafter the latest update to perelyzed 
          i saw watcher being a cool character
          and so i would want to see a part when we see watcher fighting idk it can be cool maybe?


@ Galactic_Stories707 thank you
            i find watcher a very intresting character


@Mr_blaze11 a fight scene with Watcher? I'll kept that idea in mind for a future update to the book plus I've had thoughts on getting into more of Watcher as a whole, like his backstory, fighting style, his character,  etc. So a lot has been planned for the Latchers and Sentinels in this book.


To those who have finished reading "Paralyzed" and is wondering why there hasn't been updates to it is becuase it has ended, well the first book has ended which is Paralyzed. There has been a second book that's been published and has been gaining chapters this book is "Paralyzed: Dimensional War" if your curious and in the need of more "Paralyzed" content. Paralyzed as a whole has now become a series with two books as of now First in the series is well "Paralyzed" and Second book being "Paralyzed: Dimensional War". I made an announcement way back but most may have not see it so I'll announce it again that Paralyzed has a second book in the series.
          I hope this clears up some confusion if you are wondering when Paralyzed will update again, it has been but just in a different book. (Paralyzed: Dimensional War).


The Journey only continues. . . This is not the end. . .
          Stay tune for Paralyzed: Dimensional War. . . A sequel to Paralyzed taking place after the events in book one in this "Paralyzed" series. There's always another danger, new faces to meet, new mobs to face, new dangers to battle and face off against, new worlds to venture into, new Latchers to meet. . .so much to see. . .so much to discover. . .
          See you Soon. . .