Hey I have re-read Paralyzed for a good amount of times (3 I think?) And is Dream a bottom or a switch cause I kinda get switch vibes ngl.

@DSMP_fanXD I love the book btw it's absolutely amazing the storyline is practically so amazing its like u don't know what to expect but at the same time you know it's going somewhere interesting <3

@DSMP_fanXD Ah ok and I like the idea that we can choose or imagine bc the ending where he say "Pary Dear *blah blah(I forgot)" technically it doesn't matter if he's top or bottom to say that soo yea :>

@DSMP_fanXD oh to wake me from my deep slumber, I'm surprised people keep coming back to read Paralyzed and it's sequel. To confirm or deny the question, I like to say it's up to the readers interpretation if Dream is a Switch, Bottom, or even Top. And oh my goodness! 3 times, God danm XD