Hi, guys, I have something I have to tell you. The short version is that I don't think I'll be writing on this app anymore. At least not regularly. I might publish a few things here and there every few months or so, but no promises. For those who want the explanation: I'm one of those gifted kids who turned out to be very good at a very specific thing at a very young age. My specific thing was writing. Ever since I was old enough to know the goddamn alphabet I was pressured to become a bestselling author when I grow up, my parents unironically wanted me to be like the second Tolkien or something. The pressure ruined writing for me, and after a while I just couldn't enjoy it anymore. Then I started to write in English, and it worked for a while, but only temporarily. I have to accept that I fell out of love with writing and that I need to fix my mental health instead of forcing myself. So, thank my mom, y'all, she's the reason why I almost deleted myself last year, still feel like trying to delete myself sometimes to this day, and burned out at the ripe age of 15, and then burnt out again recently, but this time it was final. No take backsies. I don't think I'll ever be able to write again. So, this is goodbye, I guess. At least for now. I'll still come back to read and support my fav authors here, though. Love y'all!

hey mils:) first of all, i’m so sorry. you don’t deserve any of the pain and trauma you had and have to go through. but i‘m proud of you for staying here, with us. know that you can always, always talk to me. please do, when you feel like it, no matter if you haven’t answered before, i really don’t care about that. i don’t know you well, and you don’t know me well either, but you are still really important to me. …this is kind of overwhelming, but i hope you know that you are loved, and wanted here. elise<3

I’m so sorry to hear this but I completely understand and support you fully. I’m really glad you didn’t delete yourself btw! <3